«Å la Bybanen gå over Bryggen blir som å slippe elefanten inn i porselensbutikken!». Dette er bare ett av utsagnene i forbindelse med utviklingen av Bybanen i Bergen. Det er både politiske og faglige meninger om hvordan Bybanen ytterligere skal forbedre kollektivtransporten i Bergen. Stephan Besier er i Bergen og vi har invitert han til å holde foredrag den 8. juni.
Fagmøtet er satt i stand av NVTF Hordaland, Tekna Bergen og BoBy Bergen. Det blir gjennomført i Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek.
Som oppspill til foredraget har vi spurt han; What does “city” and “mobility” mean to you today?
“For me, city means a high living and living quality. Man needs a human environment. Thus, the urban space is a habitat and as such to be treated.
Mobility and transport are part of this network of relationships and keep the city together with its people and functions. City-compatible traffic is, so to speak, the “categorical imperative” for the meaning and form of public space. However, I do not see the new or visionary path for tomorrow’s mobility, but rather the urgent need to finally implement existing and tried-and-tested approaches such as more space for bicycle and foot traffic as well as the expansion of city and tram.
Good examples of this are more than enough. Cities such as Amsterdam and Copenhagen, but also Zurich, Vienna and Strasbourg, show what can be achieved with good will. “New” visions do not really need to establish a city-compatible traffic as a political backbone. ”