Superanledning for deg som er interessert i fagområdet trafikkavvikling

NTNU og Statens vegvesen får besøk av en anerkjent fagmann fra Australia (John Gaffney), og i den forbindelse arrangerer vi et fagseminar i Oslo innen temaet «Managed motorways» torsdag 08.06.2017. Seminaret er gratis og åpent for alle. Du er velkommen til å delta på hele eller deler av seminaret, men du må melde deg på for å delta.

John Gaffney arbeider hos VicRoads (som tilsvarer «Vegvesenet» i Victoria, Australia). Han har vært sentral i arbeidet med å utvikle en «Australian Motorway Capacity Guide for Urban Motorways» og har lang erfaring innen trafikkstyring og ITS.

Her er litt mer informasjon om John på engelsk:

John has worked for over 30 years in the fields of traffic and transportation and related research for VicRoads the Government Road Authority in the State of Victoria, Australia.  This included 5 years working with  Austroads, the National Association of State Road Authorities in Australia, and 2.5 years at the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB).  

For the past 15 years John has lead the VicRoads unique approach to managed motorways which has included developing standards, best practice design guides, modelling, planning, designing, delivering and operating major urban Managed Motorway projects in the State of Victoria and also other Australia States. He has studied and travelled widely internationally and have a real interest and understanding of contemporary traffic theory, control engineering, redesigning freeway networks to reduce internal turbulence, road safety, and has undertaken extensive freeway data analysis which has lead to new understanding of the complexity of the urban motorway congestion problem which has lead to the development of an advanced ITS platforms for motorway which delivers reliable near capacity traffic flows using real time traffic control (20 second interval) at the motorway network level.

When John presents he emphasises that “A congested motorway is a poorly managed motorway” and ” As road managers we can no longer accept poorly performing motorways as being normal”  John has identified the many elements required to understand the complexity of  urban congested motorways, and he has demonstrated how to manage motorways to increase both efficiency and safety as well as reduce environmental impacts during peak periods.

John vil holde en presentasjon omkring erfaringer, systemer, metoder og resultater. Presentasjonen kan sammenfattes slik:

The Melbourne Approach – applying advanced traffic control to Melbourne’s motorways – methods, results and new findings.

Urban motorways are a modern city’s arteries, facilitating safe and efficient support to growing economies. For the space they occupy, they punch well above their weight, delivering significantly higher flows than other roads in urban areas.

The “Melbourne Approach” to managing motorway operations combines understanding the science of traffic flow, utilising effective real-time data, analysis and the advanced HERO-LIVE control algorithms combined with customised state-of-the-art ITS infrastructure and improved motorway design. This approach enables system wide control of interconnected motorways to maintain near capacity flows and higher operating speeds under all conditions for extended periods. The “Melbourne Approach” to managed motorways above all relies on the commitment to keep our motorways moving and national recognition of the community benefits. With more than 5 years of continuous operation of the Melbourne Managed Motorway System, VicRoads has assessed the performance of the system which shows that the initial investment and ongoing improvements to the system are more than justified, with significant economic, productivity and safety benefits and reductions in emissions. Utilising the high quality data now available, VicRoads has extended international methodologies for determining the capacity for both managed and unmanaged urban motorway facilities. Utilisation of a new generation of detection systems is starting to provide new insights into the science of microscopic traffic flow and lane changing on motorways with implications for further improved control influencing both safety and productivity.

Og ikke nok med det..:

I tillegg til presentasjonene fra John, så vil vi ha fem litt kortere norske presentasjoner innen relevante tema, se vedlagte program. Vi håper at du synes dette ser spennende ut og at du stiller opp på seminaret i Oslo torsdag 8. juni på Thon Hotel Bristol. Seminaret blir arrangert av Trafikkteknisk senter ved NTNU i samarbeid med Statens vegvesen. NVTF har mange medlemmer i vegvesenet og på NTNU. Derfor samarbeider vi gjerne med de ved slike anledninger.

Seminaret er som sagt gratis, men vi vil gjerne ha en oversikt over hvor mange som kommer. Derfor må du sende påmelding til Arvid Aakre på epost innen mandag 22.05.2017. Det er fullt mulig å bli med på deler av seminaret om du ikke har tid til å bli med hele dagen.

I vedlegget finner du program for dagen og mer informasjon om påmelding.